A Platform designed for Simplicity

Build a Floral Website from start to finish has never been easier or quicker

Build a custom floral website with BoostFloral

#BoostFloral is a purpose-built platform for Floral Websites.

Reduce Vendor Lock-in

Ability to define your brand and stand out from competition

P.O.S Agnostic

  • BoostFloral is not a point of sale

  • We don’t care which point of sale you use. You can easily download and import your website transactions into your POS.

Floral POS

Wire Service Agnostic

  • BoostFloral is not a Wire Service

  • BoostFloral Web Hosting Platform allows you to continue using your current, or any wire service you choose.

Wire Service Agnostic

  • BoostFloral is not a Wire Service

  • BoostFloral Web Hosting Platform allows you to continue using your current, or any wire service you choose.

P.O.S Agnostic

  • BoostFloral is not a point of sale

  • We don’t care which point of sale you use. You can easily download and import your website transactions into your POS.

A Catalog of products to easily expand your Website Inventory

The BoostFloral platform makes it easy to upload or import your inventory.

You can also browse the Catalog to find other arrangements you would like to add to your inventory. Catalog items come with pictures, descriptions, and suggested pricing!

Catalog product image for all Florist web templates and Customizable florist website
Bejeweled Beauty


Passionately pink! This bouquet hot pink rose and dark red spray rose


Catalog product image for all Florist web templates and Customizable florist website
Radient Blooms Delight


Get ready to be swept away by a burst of vibrant colors and nature's beauty with our cheerful floral arrangement. Pink asiatic lilies, pink roses, fuchsia stock, white daisy spray chrysanthemums, and raspberry sinuata statice come together in a joyful ensemble. Accented by the lush sword fern, variegated ti leaf, and lemon leaf, this arrangement is delivered in Teleflora's Clear Glass Cylinder vase, ensuring that every detail shines through. It's a perfect gift to brighten anyone's day.


Catalog product image for all Florist web templates and Customizable florist website
Pitcher of Pink Harmony


Embrace the vibrant hues of friendship and affection with our delightful floral creation. This bouquet features hot pink roses, pink spray roses, soft pink alstroemeria, lively green carnations, and charming pink miniature carnations, beautifully complemented by bupleurum, lush leatherleaf fern, and the subtle fragrance of parvifolia eucalyptus. The heartwarming touch is the Heart Stone pitcher, making this arrangement a symbol of love and togetherness.


Catalog product image for all Florist web templates and Customizable florist website
Pink Petals Delight


Say hello to a burst of vibrant joy with our Pink Petals Delight bouquet! This charming arrangement features hot pink roses, pink spray roses, light pink alstroemeria, fresh green carnations, and dainty pink miniature carnations, all coming together in a colorful celebration. The addition of bupleurum, lush leatherleaf fern, and aromatic parvifolia eucalyptus adds an extra touch of natural beauty. Delivered in the Heart Stone pitcher, it's a heartwarming gift that's sure to make anyone's day a little brighter.


Catalog product image for all Florist web templates and Customizable florist website
Sunny Splendor


The abundantly stunning floral ensemble comprises white daisy spray chrysanthemums, yellow daisy spray chrysanthemums, and bupleurum embellished with vibrant green foliage. It is thoughtfully presented in a radiant thoughtful vase.


Catalog product image for all Florist web templates and Customizable florist website
Natural Elegance Arrangement


One-sided arrangement with peach roses, blue delphinium, white Peruvian lilies (alstroemeria) and daisy poms, purple statice; accented with assorted greenery Artistically designed in our exclusive grey washed wooden cube tied with raffia.


Catalog product image for all Florist web templates and Customizable florist website
Seasonal Garden Harmony


A cheery vased assortment of garden fresh flowers, such as asiatic lilies, larkspur, asters, carnations, solidaster, spray mums, or similar seasonal favorites, in a bright vased bouquet


Catalog product image for all Florist web templates and Customizable florist website
Woodland Serenity Bouquet


One-sided arrangement with peach roses, blue delphinium, white Peruvian lilies (alstroemeria) and daisy poms, purple statice; accented with assorted greenery Artistically designed in our exclusive grey washed wooden cube tied with raffia.


Catalog product image for all Florist web templates and Customizable florist website
Rustic Elegance Delight


One-sided arrangement with peach roses, blue delphinium, white Peruvian lilies (alstroemeria) and daisy poms, purple statice; accented with assorted greenery Artistically designed in our exclusive grey washed wooden cube tied with raffia.


Catalog product image for all Florist web templates and Customizable florist website
Blooms of Joyful Abundance


A cheery vased assortment of garden fresh flowers, such as asiatic lilies, larkspur, asters, carnations, solidaster, spray mums, or similar seasonal favorites, in a bright vased bouquet


Powerful tagging

  • Powerful tagging allows you to easily determine each products’ placement on your site.

  • Easily update Products and Pricing for the Holidays

  • Easily Manage Coupons, Discounts, and Promotions

Flower shop online store
  • Powerful tagging allows you to easily determine each products’ placement on your site.

  • Easily update Products and Pricing for the Holidays

  • Easily Manage Coupons, Discounts, and Promotions

Easily update

Easily update Page Content, Images, Font, and much more in the Design Studio!!

  • Beautiful themes that are Professional and Highly Customizable

  • A Platform designed for Simplicity. Have your website live within minutes

Florist online ordering system

Easily update Page Content, Images, Font, and much more in the Design Studio!!

  • Beautiful themes that are Professional and Highly Customizable

  • A Platform designed for Simplicity. Have your website live within minutes

Power your selling with BoostFloral

innovative website design features for florists
Innovative website design features for florists

Floral Image Gallery

Thousands of floral images and banners available to choose from

Floral image for Flower shop online store or Floral e-commerce website galleryFloral image for Flower shop online store or Floral e-commerce website gallery
Floral image for Flower shop online store or Floral e-commerce website galleryFloral image for Flower shop online store or Floral e-commerce website gallery
Floral image for Flower shop online store or Floral e-commerce website galleryFloral image for Flower shop online store or Floral e-commerce website gallery
Floral image for Flower shop online store or Floral e-commerce website galleryFloral image for Flower shop online store or Floral e-commerce website gallery
Floral image for Flower shop online store or Floral e-commerce website galleryFloral image for Flower shop online store or Floral e-commerce website gallery
Floral image for Flower shop online store or Floral e-commerce website galleryFloral image for Flower shop online store or Floral e-commerce website gallery
Floral image for Flower shop online store or Floral e-commerce website galleryFloral image for Flower shop online store or Floral e-commerce website gallery
Floral image for Flower shop online store or Floral e-commerce website galleryFloral image for Flower shop online store or Floral e-commerce website gallery
Floral image for Flower shop online store or Floral e-commerce website galleryFloral image for Flower shop online store or Floral e-commerce website gallery
Floral image for Flower shop online store or Floral e-commerce website galleryFloral image for Flower shop online store or Floral e-commerce website gallery

Flower Shop Website Builder Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is my website secure?

    Yes, BoostFloral is designed to provide a safe and user-friendly foundation for e-commerce websites, but like any site, a BoostFloral website could be hacked. However, BoostFloral includes many features that will help protect your content and data to prevent this from happening, and unlike other platforms, we take care of the security, so you don’t have to.

    • Patching and updates is a core part of website security, and we take this responsibility from you to ensure the latest patches are applied and that you have the latest security updates and bug fixes.
    • SSL certificates are automatically assigned to every website to ensure data in transit is secure.
    • We enforce a strong password policy with a mix of upper- and lower-case letters, numbers, and special characters, making it much more difficult for bad actors or automated tools to break into your website.
    • We leverage Stripe for credit cards, accounts, and transactions to ensure PCI-DSS compliance for all financial concerns.
  • How long does it take to build and launch my website?

    Websites can literally be created and online in minutes. After your website is created, you can spend as much time as you like customizing it however you choose.

  • Will my website work on Mobile devices?

    Yes, all websites are designed to be mobile-friendly and optimized for various devices, including smartphones, tablets, iPads, laptops, and PCs.

  • If I use a wire service, can I still use BoostFloral to create and host my website?

    There are no limitations to using whichever wire service you prefer. You have full control over which products you sell on your website, which you fill locally, and which you wire out.

  • Can I have a custom floral website?

    Yes. You can build your own custom floral website on BoostFloral. It is simple to create your own floral website design.

  • Can I connect my email to my website domain?

    Yes. You can have the same email domain as your website domain using BoostFloral. This gives you the ability to have a professional looking email.

  • How are SEO changes made?

    We give you the ability to update all Meta tags and keywords anytime you wish. This allows you to study your analytics and make adjustments as needed.